Are you a relatively new online business owner, who doesn’t know where to start?
You haven’t got a niche… or you have got a niche, you’re really creative, but not at all organised. You have no idea which systems you need, but you know you need something to improve the way you work on a daily basis to support your ongoing business growth.
Well that’s where I was when I first started… it wasn’t clear what tools and systems were available. The internet is such a vast storage of data, that I was overwhelmed…. I kept starting to look at processes and systems and then get drawn down a rabbit hole.. looking at the next shiny thing… love reading and learning, so researching this new role took me to lots of new and interesting reading… I got work, but not in a co-ordinated way, or by following a strategy, but by “winging it” and in reality, I still am in some ways!!
Does that sound like you? Maybe you have just started an online business, or perhaps you have been doing it for a while, but recognise that you need to start organising your business life, so it doesn’t merge with your personal one…
The online industry is one that is growing all of the time and that means that there will become a greater need for those joining to onboard as soon as possible. There is lots of recommendations for systems on Facebook pages, based on personal experience, but little to show comparisons between different ones.
Doing all of that reading on different systems, processes, information that one needs to start a business, means that now I’ve got lots of knowledge, that I can share with others, so that they can make informed choices on what they need to get started. A pay forward for those of you who are now in the position I was twelve months ago…..#doitdifferent
What I want to do is create a knowledge centre, starting with different planning tools, and then looking at SEO, E-Marketing, Facebook Ads, Hosting Platforms etc (not necessarily in that order!), to give you enough information to make an informed decision.
This “wikapedia” type of knowledge centre will provide deep dives on:
- Ease of use
- Features
- Pros and Cons
- Flexibility
- Costs
As well as comparisons between the different type of systems.
If you are stuck, need information on the best tool to use for the job, then please feel free to comment below, and I will definitely get back to you. I might even do a post on it ?
If you need support in implementing any of these systems, or business support processes in general, the please feel free to contact me via the details below
Whatever your business idea, I wish you the very best of luck.
Telephone: +44 (0)79 2005 6041
or connect through:
Such a valuable idea Jacly!
Thanks Roxanne.. if you think of a particular problem you want a system solution for, please let me know and I will have a look.